Category: social and community health
With the Federal Government’s increased investment in Urgent Care Clinics and the number of UCCs in Australia steadily growing, this article is the first in a series regarding Urgent Care and its role and effects in the Australian healthcare system.
At each point in the primary health care system there are currently people who are dying, or suffering losses which would otherwise have been prevented. Those losses create exponential costs and disruptions to the functioning of families and communities in Australa
General Practitioners need to receive fair recompense for the health care we provide. After years of withstanding the gradual undermining of the Specialty by successive governments, we cannot expect General Practice to survive on its current trajectory. We need to set our own terms and our own fees in order to ensure General Practitioners can continue to provide excellent health care.
If General Practices are going to be the mainstay of the vaccination rollout, we do need to be supported, valued, informed and considered.
When the government canceled most of the telehealth item numbers this morning in the middle of a lockdown this was a form of calculated systematic institutional neglect.
For many people, Covid-19, will feel exactly the same as ‘just a cold’, so unless you have had a swab for it, you just don’t know.
Covid-19 is bearing down upon us. We can’t risk catching and spreading this. Face to face medicine is currently part of the problem and not the solution. We need to stay ahead of the insidious wave of infection by NOT seeing the patient with a sore throat and a cough face to face. We need to ride out the wave as effectively as we can with whatever means we have.
Or, why the coronavirus pyramid scheme will mean there will be way more sick people than health care workers